
Über Internetchats entwarfen 6 Personen ein Drehbuch für einen surrealisischen Film, der schließlich in Form von 6 Schlüsselszenen fotografisch an den Original-Drehplätzen umgesetzt wurde. Anstatt eines Spiel-Films wurde ein dokumentarisches Video von 3min Länge produziert, das den Enstehungsprozess zeigt.

6 persons conceptualised a script for a film via internet-chats. Finally the project was realized as a picture story. Therefore 6 key frames were staged. The artists attempted to apply a kind of surrealistic practice to the field of photography. Here photography is a possibility and guidepost, pointer and covibrated sinus of a complex constellation.


andreas huber, wolfgang kopper,
heimo lattner, jeanette pacher,
andrea pesendorfer, günter puller,

the shooting

on the filmcamera: David Kellner
on the photocamera: Michael Goldgruber

the 5th dispute

The 3rd Internet-conference with all n0-members, happened in the well known but secret - n0-conference-room. ( Berlin, Vienna)
No video and n0 audio.

the secret dinner

The secret dinner in G. Pullers apartment with Jeanette, Andrea, Günter, and Andreas happened
No video and n0 audio.

the 4th dispute

The 2nd Internet-conference with all n0-members, happened - in the well known but secret - n0-conference-room. (Mexico-City, Berlin, Vienna)
No video and n0 audio.

the february dispute

Watch out this video.
No comment - because it's with audio!

movie 03:  0,40 min (audio) - Real Media Video

click to see the movies in real media format
Quality depends on your Internetspeed
select your connection-speed
(Real Player must be installed on your system)
Real Player download

the 2nd dispute

The 2nd dispute will specify the further collaboration. The n0 members will celebrate a common concert over the www.

Ein Herantasten an das Phaenomen der Normierung durch eine konzertante Aktion. (P.S. Das Auge hört mit. The eye listens in.)

movie 02:  1,17 min (silent) - Real Media Video

click to see the movies in real media format
Quality depends on your Internetspeed
select your connection-speed
(Real Player must be installed on your system)
Real Player download

Live from Rhiz, Vienna
1080, Josefstaedter Guertelbogen 37&38

Live on stage:
Andreas Huber Galerie Andreas Huber
Wolfgang Kopper
Günter Puller


Claudia Haider
Matthias Kellner

Live from Kunstuni Linz:
Jeanette Pacher
Live from Berlin, Apartment:
Heimo Lattner

Live from New York, Studio:
Andrea Pesendorfer

the very first dispute

movie 01:  1,45 min (silent) - - Real Media Video

click to see the movies in real media format
Quality depends on your Internetspeed
select your connection-speed
(Real Player must be installed on your system)
Real Player download


Wir bezeichnen den Punkt, ab wann eine Schwankungsbreite ständig kleiner ist als ihr größter Wert, n0 (sprich: en Null). Um also diesen Punkt zu erreichen, wo eine Abfolge von Werten gewissermaßen eine Normierung erfährt, müssen Regeln definiert werden, oder worden sein. Solchen Regeln spürt the n0 project nach, bzw. stellt welche auf.

We call the point, from which an amplitude becomes constantly smaller than its highest value, n0 (pronounce: n zero). To reach this point where a sequence from values virtually experiences a standardisation, rules have to be defined - or they happened to have been defined. n0 traces such rules, or sets up new ones.


Smokingscene 2005

Bathroomscene 2005


   Günter Puller                              Wolfgang Kopper

                        Heimo Lattner

           Andrea Pesendorfer

     Andreas Huber Galerie Andreas Huber

     Jeanette Pacher